Thursday, September 30, 2010

Fight back fags!!

Okay kittens. I know some people are going to give me grief for what I'm about to say and advocate, and quite frankly I don't care. I just finished reading about the 13 year old boy in Texas who put a bullet in his brain because he could no longer endure the teasing and bullying that he was subjected to in school. Reporting the abuse did no good as the school claims to have no record of the numerous phone calls made by the boys parents and claim they were completely unaware of any bullying going on in their school. BULLSHIT.
Then last week there was the boy who hung himself in his backyard because he was bullied for being gay.
And then there are the bashings and hate crimes that occur because there is little or no repercussion for the crimes. The muggings and beatings that occur because a man admits he is gay when asked, the waiter who was stabbed in the neck after a customer asked him if he was gay. I could go on and on.
A channel has been created on youtube to provide encouragement to young gays that "It gets Better". While this is a noble effort and I do believe it will help for those feeling isolated to know they are not alone it's still not enough. It's time we fight back. Cast off the image that we are whiny, limp-wristed, lisping, rainbow loving little queens who whimper and cry when faced with adversity. It's time we take off our stilettos and use them to stab out the eyes of the ignorant rednecks who attack us. Instead of running and crying ourselves to sleep or slipping a noose around our necks when someone attacks us for being gay, we need start throwing punches. The gym is our church gays!! Let's use those muscles for something other than picking up our next trick at the bar! Let's blacken some eyes, break some noses, and split some lips!!
When I was in elementary and middle school, I was the subject of bullying. It happened all the time; on the bus, on the playground, on my walk home. It was awful. Then one day, as I was being called a fag and one of my books was stolen from me(and I love books so this really pissed me off) I decided it was time to fight back. I threw a punch, nearly broke the kids nose, dared any of the school officials to do anything to me for it since they had never done anything to stop the bullying, and that was it. I never had any issues with anyone in school again because I was willing to stand up for myself. I was no longer willing to be a submissive player in my life. I took control and made sure no one messed with me again. And I've carried it into my adult life. I tolerate nothing. That's what our community needs to do. Tolerate nothing. Shout out the NOM's and FAMILY VALUES COUNCIL and FOCUS ON THE FAMILY. Refuse to stand on the sidelines and let bullying and hatred be directed at us without fighting back. It's time to stand up for ourselves.

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