Monday, April 19, 2010

The Mouse

Good afternoon kittens! I've been a busy little beaver the past several days. As I was perusing the job postings on I found out that Disney World was holding open auditions on April 16; and, since I'm still unemployed; I decided "what tyhe hell?, I'll go for it. Who knows what might happen." So on Thursday I boarded an Airtran flight for the land of Mickey Mouse. I have to say, it was great landing in Orlando where it was warm and green without the slightest hint of the Ohio spring I left behind.
So on Friday I went to Disney's Animal Kingdom Rehearsal facility for the audition. It was an open cattle call for men that, in my opinion, had a rather low turnout. After waiting for two and a half hours listening to a very annoying Latina girlfromBrooklynwhostudiedtheaterincollegeandwroteherownshowthatwassupposedtobeadramabutwhenitwasreadbyherprofessorsturnedintoacomedyandshewasntworriedaboutthedisneyauditionbecauseshecanstillpassfor17onfilmeventhoughsheisreally23
yes kittens this is how she talked, and it annoyed me to no end. I think she just wanted to hear her own voice. Anyway, after waiting I was finally called back and I had my moment. We were asked to prepare a one minute monologue, so I did Coathanger sculpture from "You're a Good Man Charlie Brown" I finished, and they thanked me for coming out, said I had great comedic timing, but didn't fit anything they were casting for right now. Well that sucks. But, truthfully I'm not surprised. I saw what they were keeping. They were all older, or more colorfully skinned than I was and most were a good deal more fit. So I'm ok with it. They told me to come back, that maybe I would fit something in the future. I'm good with that. I've been on their side of the casting table and understand what it's like. So I'll try again. It was a great experience and one I've definately learned stuff from. Like I need to get my fat but into a decent shape. Because couch potato is not a desirable shape. So that will be a new series for all of you to enjoy. I think if I'm reporting to someone, I'll make a better effort than if I had no accountability at all.
So kittens, you have something new to look forward to. That and a report on the rest of my trip. I was gone all weekend and did have a fantastically slutty time on Friday night in Orlando. I'll tell you all about that later. TTFN!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Recipe Roundup

Good afternoon kittens. It's time for a yummy new recipe in the Recipe Roundup series. Last night I made yummy grilled chicken with homemade barbeque sauce and fried potatoes. The sauce I made was Amahhhhhhhhzing so I'm blessing you all with the recipe. I'd love to get my readers favorite grilling recipes since spring has sprung upon us here in Ohio. Feel free to leave them in the comments section after you've tried this sauce.

Six pack of your favorite dark beer
one medium onion chopped
three cloves of garlic chopped
1 cup ketchup
4 or 5 tbsp mustard
couple of dashes worcestershire sauce
4 tbsp brown sugar
hot sauce
juice of one lemon
olive oil
salt and pepper to taste

In a cast iron skillet add two to three tablespoons of olive oil. Add onion and garlic and cook over medium heat until onion begins to soften. Add one bottle of beer. Bring to a simmer. In a two cup measuring cup combine remaining ingredients to taste. If you want more heat, add extra hot sauce. More sweetness, add extra sugar. You get the idea. There aren't many rules to this recipe. Add beer from a second bottle to ketchup mixture to bring it to 2 cups, then finish off remaining bottles of beer yourself. After onion and beer has come to a simmer add in ketchup mixture. Stir to combine then bring back to a full simmer. Let sauce cook until it has thickened then apply liberally to your favorite grilled foods.

Monday, April 5, 2010

A gamble

Good morning kittens! I hope you all had a lovely Easter and that the Easter bunny brought you yummy chocolates and money filled plastic eggs. The little bastard wasn't so kind to me; he brought the ex-boyfriend knocking on my door. But, that's a story for later.
I had my first casino experience on Good Friday. I know, what better way to celebrate my people crucifing Jesus than to go to the riverboat, right? Anyway I went and can say I had a good time. I went in armed with a plan. I took 40 dollars cash in with and nothing else. If I lost that, so be it. I would lose anymore. However, sitting in that smoke-filled room with the flashing lights and ringing bells, I can understand how people go in there and lose hundreds of dollars. I can understand how it can become an addiction, how people just wait for that next "big one". I was fortunate. I turned my 40 dollars into 270 dollars fairly quickly and quit while I was ahead. But it was very tempting to keep going.
Every time I won some money, the bells and whistles would go off, and the machine would flash it's lights, and I would feel a little twinge of excitement. Who wouldn't, knowing they're winning money? I'm just happy that I knew when to quit and left with cash on hand instead of losing every bit of it. It would be very easy.