Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Horror Film Help

Hello kittens!! Halloween is fast approaching and it is one of my holidays next to Christmas. So that said, I need some help if anyone out there in the blogger world can possibly help me. A couple of years ago I saw a movie on TCM that I loved!
It was a very old film, I would guess from the 30's or early 40's. The storyline was this couple who bought a manor house located on a cliff in England. After they bought the house they learned that the previous occupant had killed herself or died of grief after her child died. I think the kid fell off the cliff but I can't remember. Anyway, the spirit of the woman haunted the house until the new owners figured out what happened and set the spirit free. For the time it was made, the special effects were great, and the story really sold the movie. I really would like to see it again, but I don't know what it was called and haven't been able to find it anywhere online. Help anyone?

Monday, October 18, 2010


Hello kittens! How have you all been during this gorgeous week that we've had here in central Ohio? I've enjoyed the weather, warm days with nice cool nights perfect for a hot apple cider with rum and snuggling under a blanket with a good book.
Last Monday was also National Coming Out Day. I made a post on Facebook about my support for all the issues affecting the Gay community. Then came Tuesday. I'm sitting at work when I check my Blackberry and find I have a text form my mother. It reads;
" Just how am I supposed to react to your anouncement on your facebook? Well this is how I feel very disgusted and I do not like it I do not support it. You were not raised that way. You are making me sick just thinking about it. And if you continue to be that way then you will have to get you a place to live because I'm thinking of disowning you I can not believe you. It's shameful. I do not want to talk to you until you straighten up."
I replied, "What are you talking about?"
To which she replied, "About opening up and saying you are a gay man."
Me, "Seriously? Disown me? You're being ridiculous."
Her, " No I am not you need to get that shit out of your mind now why did you post it it is sickening."
So when I came back from work I honored her request and warmed up a can of soup for dinner and spent the rest of the night in my room so I wouldn't shame her. Since then she's been talking to me, but only to make passive aggressive remarks. She told me I did nothing except "cause her heartache" and she looks at me with this mixture of hatred, shame, and disapointment.
Quite frankly, it pisses me off. I don't expect her to be all supportive and don rainbow themed clothes and march in a parade but I would like just a little support. Or if that's too much, then simply nothing. No acknowledgement, no dirty looks, no passive aggressive comments, just nothing.  I can handle "nothing" better than being told I'm sickening and there is something wrong with me.  So I have another chapter in the story of my uneasy relationship with my family. It's never been a great one, they don't understand me, think I'm weird because I read books and attend live theater and I'm a Democrat and they find me very strange and just don't understand me. I've grown accustomed to fact that I'm never going to have the great family relationship you see in movies or on tv or even in other families. I'm never going to have June Cleaver( RIP Barbara Billingsley) for a mother, or even a nice accepting woman for a mother. I can't change who she is, I can't make her give up her bigotry or her hatred, no matter how hard I try. I just can't do it.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Lost homojo

Good evening kittens! Over the past several weeks I've come to the conclusion that I need a new Fairy Princess. No, not to replace my old one but to supplement her. I love my Kristy to death, but we've been drifting apart for some time now. It's nothing major, we didn't have some huge fight, there wasn't some gross act of disrespect, we've just moved in different directions in our lives. She has gotten married to a wonderful man, she has a kid, a job. I'm happily single, no kids, but I do have a job!! Yay for that one! Our interests have shifted since we met five years ago. We no longer have the fun shopping trips together, making fun of poorly dressed people in the mall and ogling cute boys. We used to talk every day, no matter what, now days can pass with out a word from either camp. I'm interested in drinks at happy hour, Showtunes on a Sunday night, window shopping at the mall. While I love the child and husband that my Princess comes with, I find myself wishing that they weren't always around. I don't want to feel this way, but I can't help it. We've lost our homojo. That spark that made us "US" is gone. I don't know how to get it back, if we even can. I'm curious if any of you have had a similar experience? Have you had friendships drift apart? If so, did you get back the spark, or was it gone for good? Any advice?

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Sunday night tv

I'm very happy to have a good season of Desperate Housewives and Brothers and Sisters on ABC.  Not every season of these shows is stellar, but this season is shaping up to make me very happy.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Fight back fags!!

Okay kittens. I know some people are going to give me grief for what I'm about to say and advocate, and quite frankly I don't care. I just finished reading about the 13 year old boy in Texas who put a bullet in his brain because he could no longer endure the teasing and bullying that he was subjected to in school. Reporting the abuse did no good as the school claims to have no record of the numerous phone calls made by the boys parents and claim they were completely unaware of any bullying going on in their school. BULLSHIT.
Then last week there was the boy who hung himself in his backyard because he was bullied for being gay.
And then there are the bashings and hate crimes that occur because there is little or no repercussion for the crimes. The muggings and beatings that occur because a man admits he is gay when asked, the waiter who was stabbed in the neck after a customer asked him if he was gay. I could go on and on.
A channel has been created on youtube to provide encouragement to young gays that "It gets Better". While this is a noble effort and I do believe it will help for those feeling isolated to know they are not alone it's still not enough. It's time we fight back. Cast off the image that we are whiny, limp-wristed, lisping, rainbow loving little queens who whimper and cry when faced with adversity. It's time we take off our stilettos and use them to stab out the eyes of the ignorant rednecks who attack us. Instead of running and crying ourselves to sleep or slipping a noose around our necks when someone attacks us for being gay, we need start throwing punches. The gym is our church gays!! Let's use those muscles for something other than picking up our next trick at the bar! Let's blacken some eyes, break some noses, and split some lips!!
When I was in elementary and middle school, I was the subject of bullying. It happened all the time; on the bus, on the playground, on my walk home. It was awful. Then one day, as I was being called a fag and one of my books was stolen from me(and I love books so this really pissed me off) I decided it was time to fight back. I threw a punch, nearly broke the kids nose, dared any of the school officials to do anything to me for it since they had never done anything to stop the bullying, and that was it. I never had any issues with anyone in school again because I was willing to stand up for myself. I was no longer willing to be a submissive player in my life. I took control and made sure no one messed with me again. And I've carried it into my adult life. I tolerate nothing. That's what our community needs to do. Tolerate nothing. Shout out the NOM's and FAMILY VALUES COUNCIL and FOCUS ON THE FAMILY. Refuse to stand on the sidelines and let bullying and hatred be directed at us without fighting back. It's time to stand up for ourselves.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Good morning kittens! It's been a busy past 3 days for your loving blogger here. First off on Saturday was the wedding of my friends Ashley and Russ. Gorgeous ceremony, even more gorgeous reception. The tables were covered with fabulous pink and white centerpieces, the dj was very good; giving all us dancers plenty of Glee tunes, and the dinner was amazing. Somewhere on facebook there's a photo of everyone at my table holding up their filet mignon like neanderthal cave dwellers!
Sunday was my day at work. Working Sundays suck. Just sayin.
Yesterday was the kicker day though. My engine in my car blew up as I left for work. Now I don't mean my car just quit running, my engine literally BLEW UP! I pulled out of the driveway, it shook violently, pieces and parts fell out and fluids poured onto the pavement. This did not make me happy. I had to call off work, get my broken car back up to the house, and explore options for getting a new motor. This is not a fun time. Motors are expensive! Expensive that I don't have. I've only been back to work for a month, I have no savings, and I need to spend two thousand dollars for a new motor. I am not a happy camper.
I was able to cap the awful day off with a positive though. I had bought tickets to see the awesome Jay Brannan in concert several weeks ago, so I bummed my mothers car(not without serious grief) and made my way to see the adorable Jay Brannan. He puts on a great show that would have been even better had there not been an obnoxious drunk queen near the stage who refused to shut up! Anyway, If you've never heard of Jay Brannan, check him out on youtube and JayBrannan.com. That's all for now kittens, hi-ho it's off to work I go!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

New Post

Good evening kittens! I know I know, it's been forever since you have all been blessed with my fabulous thoughts on the blog. So I'm making up for it now. Here's a bit of stream of consciousness writing for you all.
     -I've started a bit of a new diet and working out. I've signed up for Pilates and a tap dancing class at Ballet Met downtown. God love my tap teacher for being one of the most patient men I've ever worked with.
     -My retirement from theater is going well. I've vacationed in Florida twice this past summer and will be off to NYC soon for a few weekend trips this fall.
     -As for my retirement from theater, I'm still extremely hurt by what happened to me and will never work with Little Theater Off Broadway again.
     -I have a new job! After a year and a half on unemployment I finally found a job that pays a decent wage and gives me all the hours I want. For this I'm grateful and feel very lucky.
    -I'm very excited for Mercedes-Benz fashion week going on right now and really wish I were experiencing it live.
     -I'm very concerned about the current state of the Democratic party right now. Midterms are not looking very good. I see a few extra bottle of wine in my early November.
     -Eat Pray Love was a great movie and an amazing book. I love Julia Roberts.
     -That's all for now kittens. More later.

Monday, July 26, 2010

mm mm good!

Good evening kittens! I hope you all enjoyed your weekend doing something fabulous. I went to Columbus' fabulous Jazz and Rib fest with my best gal pal Kristy for freebies, jazz and most importantly yummy, delicious, finger-licking good ribs! This was my first venture out in public in a week and a half after a nasty fight with a kick ass sinus infection that really did kick my ass. I was really sick for over two weeks. Down for the count. All I did was sleep, blow my nose, cough, and nurse wicked bad sinus pressure. I went to the doctor; he sticks that little viewer thingy in my nose then tells me it's not pretty up there. Thanks captain obvious. Thank you for validating my being horribly, uncomfortably sick. And thank you for the round of antibiotics that helped me kick the infection.
So finally on Saturday I felt like a normal human being again and wanted to rejoin society and venture out into the world. Kristy was begging to see me since it had been three weeks since her wedding and we had had no girl time together since I had been sick since I came home from her wedding. (Airborne people. Seriously. I didn't take it before I got on the plane and should have. Big MISTAKE not taking it. Huge. No Matter how vile I think it tastes.) Anyway, out to the Jazz and Ribfest we went. First to hit up the freebie booths cause really, who doesn't love some good freebies. We got several bags of the new Kraft Homestyle mac and cheese and I am a fat girl who LOVES, I mean LOVES me some mac and cheese. We picked up some great spice rubs, some other junk then it was on to the ribs. Again, I'm a fat kid who loves me some good food. And good food is what I got. I picked up this platter that had ribs, beef brisket, pulled pork, cornbread, baked beans, and coleslaw. The girl handed me this box and I 'bout dropped the damn thing. It. Was. Heavy. Heavier than I expected. It was a box full of smoked barbecue happiness. I slathered it with both hot and smoky sweet sauce, then Kristy and I scoped out a bench, sat down, and tucked in to some meaty goodness. I was a happy fat kid when it was all said and done. We people watched, then walked back to the car where I unbuttoned the top button of my shorts for the ride home. It was that good.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Just a quick update

Good afternoon kittens! I wanted to give you all a quick little update. I've been busy traveling(more to come on that later) and suffering through a very nasty sinus infection that has been kicking my butt. However, I'm finally starting to feel like my old fabulous self, so more posts will come with greater frequency. So for now, stay cool on this sweltering day kittens!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Disapointed. That is the word to describe what my president has done to me. This man that I love and look up to disapointed me tonight with his oval office speech on the oil spill in the Gulf. Instead of using the power of his office to put words to the anger that most of us feel over BP Oil's incompetence and disrespect to the people of the United States, the environment, and our planet. At 57 days of oil gushing into the Gulf of Mexico and BP Oil failing to control the situation, our President should have used the power; the symbolism of the oval office to push for BP to take responsibility, push for the passage of the American Power Act which is stalled in the Senate, pushed his energy agenda to secure a new future for the American people that grants us independence from oil. Instead of fire and brimstone that would rattle BP Oil execs with the fear of God, President Obama rattled on about fishermen praying before going out to fish. The President made a vague reference to the great leadership of President Roosevelt during World War II but chose not to follow the example of the former president by laying out a plan for the people, explaining what was happening. We don't care if people in charge have a nobel prize; what we want are results. After 57 days of BP not taking care of the situation, it's time for our government to do just that; govern. It's time for the current administration to take action, to order that anything and everything be done not only to stop the leak, but to clean the water, beaches, marshlands and animals that are now coated in oil. It's time for action and leadership from our leaders. Do something. Please.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

A new venture

Good evening kittens! I've been a busy little beaver this week with cleaning and redecorating projects designed to keep my unemployed butt busy and away from boredom. Yes, I'm still unemployed. Yes, it sucks. It sucks applying for jobs and never getting a call for an interview. It sucks living with my parents. My mother has the opinion that I simply don't want a job. In her mind, she has convinced herself that all I need to do is walk into a business, tell them I want a job, and poof! it will happen. I will be gainfully employed. I don't know why she believes this but she does. She has had the same job for the past 25 years. That's awesome. But that also means she hasn't been in the job market for a quarter century. She doesn't realize that the vast majority of job openings require the candidate to have at least a bachelors degree or there are a half dozen other people applying for the same job. She tells me I have to take anything, even if it's something I don't want to do. She conveniently ignores the fact that I can't even get a job offer. I'm not declining anything. I wouldn't. I hate not working. There are so many things I want to do but can't because I don't have the money. So I'm not just being lazy. I'm trying. It's just not a good job market. Ok, enough ranting.
     On to food. One of my favorite subjects by far. As many of you know, I consider myself a version of Martha Stewart; I love her and have learned a great deal from her tv shows and books and magazines. That being said, I have always wanted my own cooking show; a forum where I could impart the things I've learned in my life, things I've learned from my great grandma and my two granny's, to other people. So I thought, "Why not do a video series on the blog?" I could record myself in the kitchen, cooking and baking, kinda like Martha or Emeril. So to all my loyal readers, I need some help. Someone who has avideo camera and can edit and post videos on the blog for me. I can't pay money; yet; but I can promise you food.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Hello kittens! After a weekend filled with activities, I'm relaxing in bed with a great old movie; Summertime starring Katharine Hepburn. I've never seen it before and really don't understand why I've missed it. As anyone who knows me can attest to, I love, love, love Katharine Hepburn. I've idolized her for as long as I can remember. And this movie gives her a perfect opportunity to showcase her, charm, beauty, and supurb acting ability. Summertime is about a spinster woman(Hepburn) from Akron Ohio who has gone on vacation to Venice, Italy by herself with the hope of finding love along the way. Kate looks radiant as usual, with gorgeous outfits highlighting her athletic figure and impossibly slender waist. By the way, I would kill to have a waistline like Kate's. The scenery is just as delicious, with the movie being shot entirely on location in Venice. Looking at the buildings and canals and gondola's it makes me long to visit.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Forgotten Fairy

Hello kittens! This is one of those posts where I bitch and whine and feel a bit sorry for myself. What's that you say? You don't like whining? Oh well. I don't do it often and quite frankly I don't care if you don't like it. Don't read the post if you don't like it.
I'm thinking of starting a website for "Forgotten Fairies". Forgotten Fairies are the gay BFF's of straight single girls who get cast aside after the straight single girl meets a straight single man. After the meeting of the hetero's the gay bff inevitably is cast aside, and fades into obscurity. This can happen quite suddenly or very slowly over time. I've experienced the spectrum of this phenomenon; being dropped like an amputated limb, and fading slowly out of the picture. Neither is very pleasant. For while the straight girl has her straight man making her feel wanted and loved and the happy straight couple have each other, the gay is forgotten. Where once the gay and his best girlfriend had fun times together drinking cocktails and dishing the latest gossip, or people watching while dining alfresco, or being catty high school bitches about people we know; these scenarios cease to happen. The energy flow is disrupted by the addition of the straight man. No matter how awesome the straight man is, the homojoe between the gay and the straight girl is lost.
Examples of this abound. Think of Will and Grace when Grace ran off and married Leo. Or Karen and Jack when Finster came into the picture. Carrie Bradshaw and Stanford Blanche. And I have several friends I could make examples of but they shall remain nameless. The point is if you know a gay you can probably find an example of the Forgotten Fairy Phenomenon.
This is not entirely a hopeless situation though. There is potential to fix the relationship, as long as both parties are willing to work for it. The gay must understand that he will never be able to fill the spot that the straight man occupies in the straight girls life. It's not possible. While the gay is fun he doesn't fill the space that only a straight man can fill. A straight girl can only tolerate so much glitter and Liza.
On the other hand, the straight girl must realize that the gay is still the same fabulous fun loving friend that was there every time your ex was a total ass; the gay was there to help you pick out that fabulous outfit that landed you the job you wanted like a supermodel wants a cheeseburger. Your gay was there when your ex broke up with you by simply refusing to return your calls. Your gay hates your crazy boss because she makes you crazy. Your gay has been through a lot with you and now that you have someone else your gay feels lost.
So, I'm going to start a website for all the forgotten fairies out there. A place where we can gather and be found by single straight girls. Think of it as matchmaking site for fairies and their princesses.

Memorial Day

Happy Memorial Day kittens! I hope everyone is enjoying the day off, spending time with family and friends or taking advantage of some nice alone time like I am. I do need to apologize for my lax posting habits lately; I've had a rather stressful few weeks and didn't feel like sharing with you all but that has changed. I have commited to writing at least Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, per the advice of my friend Sarah, so look forward to more frequent posts in the future.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Don't piss me off bitches.

The following is an open letter to anyone thinking about pissing me off going forward. I wouldn't recomend it. Bad idea. Stupid. Huge mistake. Huge! The nice guy that would take anything from you and quietly seeth while doing it is gone. I'm taking the leash off. I refuse to be pushed around, stepped on, used, taken advantage of, screwed over, fucked, or anything else you might think about doing. It's time I fight back. It's high time I refuse to give you any power over me. It's time you realize I'm a hell of a lot smarter than you think I am and more powerful than you give me credit for. It's time you realize you're not dealing with the paper boy. You're dealing with an extremely talented, smart, arrogant, resourceful, loud-mouthed, angry faggot who refuses to be pushed around anymore. So my final thought to you; and you know who you are; is BRING IT ON.

Monday, April 19, 2010

The Mouse

Good afternoon kittens! I've been a busy little beaver the past several days. As I was perusing the job postings on Playbill.com I found out that Disney World was holding open auditions on April 16; and, since I'm still unemployed; I decided "what tyhe hell?, I'll go for it. Who knows what might happen." So on Thursday I boarded an Airtran flight for the land of Mickey Mouse. I have to say, it was great landing in Orlando where it was warm and green without the slightest hint of the Ohio spring I left behind.
So on Friday I went to Disney's Animal Kingdom Rehearsal facility for the audition. It was an open cattle call for men that, in my opinion, had a rather low turnout. After waiting for two and a half hours listening to a very annoying Latina girlfromBrooklynwhostudiedtheaterincollegeandwroteherownshowthatwassupposedtobeadramabutwhenitwasreadbyherprofessorsturnedintoacomedyandshewasntworriedaboutthedisneyauditionbecauseshecanstillpassfor17onfilmeventhoughsheisreally23
yes kittens this is how she talked, and it annoyed me to no end. I think she just wanted to hear her own voice. Anyway, after waiting I was finally called back and I had my moment. We were asked to prepare a one minute monologue, so I did Coathanger sculpture from "You're a Good Man Charlie Brown" I finished, and they thanked me for coming out, said I had great comedic timing, but didn't fit anything they were casting for right now. Well that sucks. But, truthfully I'm not surprised. I saw what they were keeping. They were all older, or more colorfully skinned than I was and most were a good deal more fit. So I'm ok with it. They told me to come back, that maybe I would fit something in the future. I'm good with that. I've been on their side of the casting table and understand what it's like. So I'll try again. It was a great experience and one I've definately learned stuff from. Like I need to get my fat but into a decent shape. Because couch potato is not a desirable shape. So that will be a new series for all of you to enjoy. I think if I'm reporting to someone, I'll make a better effort than if I had no accountability at all.
So kittens, you have something new to look forward to. That and a report on the rest of my trip. I was gone all weekend and did have a fantastically slutty time on Friday night in Orlando. I'll tell you all about that later. TTFN!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Recipe Roundup

Good afternoon kittens. It's time for a yummy new recipe in the Recipe Roundup series. Last night I made yummy grilled chicken with homemade barbeque sauce and fried potatoes. The sauce I made was Amahhhhhhhhzing so I'm blessing you all with the recipe. I'd love to get my readers favorite grilling recipes since spring has sprung upon us here in Ohio. Feel free to leave them in the comments section after you've tried this sauce.

Six pack of your favorite dark beer
one medium onion chopped
three cloves of garlic chopped
1 cup ketchup
4 or 5 tbsp mustard
couple of dashes worcestershire sauce
4 tbsp brown sugar
hot sauce
juice of one lemon
olive oil
salt and pepper to taste

In a cast iron skillet add two to three tablespoons of olive oil. Add onion and garlic and cook over medium heat until onion begins to soften. Add one bottle of beer. Bring to a simmer. In a two cup measuring cup combine remaining ingredients to taste. If you want more heat, add extra hot sauce. More sweetness, add extra sugar. You get the idea. There aren't many rules to this recipe. Add beer from a second bottle to ketchup mixture to bring it to 2 cups, then finish off remaining bottles of beer yourself. After onion and beer has come to a simmer add in ketchup mixture. Stir to combine then bring back to a full simmer. Let sauce cook until it has thickened then apply liberally to your favorite grilled foods.

Monday, April 5, 2010

A gamble

Good morning kittens! I hope you all had a lovely Easter and that the Easter bunny brought you yummy chocolates and money filled plastic eggs. The little bastard wasn't so kind to me; he brought the ex-boyfriend knocking on my door. But, that's a story for later.
I had my first casino experience on Good Friday. I know, what better way to celebrate my people crucifing Jesus than to go to the riverboat, right? Anyway I went and can say I had a good time. I went in armed with a plan. I took 40 dollars cash in with and nothing else. If I lost that, so be it. I would lose anymore. However, sitting in that smoke-filled room with the flashing lights and ringing bells, I can understand how people go in there and lose hundreds of dollars. I can understand how it can become an addiction, how people just wait for that next "big one". I was fortunate. I turned my 40 dollars into 270 dollars fairly quickly and quit while I was ahead. But it was very tempting to keep going.
Every time I won some money, the bells and whistles would go off, and the machine would flash it's lights, and I would feel a little twinge of excitement. Who wouldn't, knowing they're winning money? I'm just happy that I knew when to quit and left with cash on hand instead of losing every bit of it. It would be very easy.

Monday, March 29, 2010

The boyfriend saga; concluded.

Good evening kittens. My relationship with The Boyfriend has come to a conclusion. Time of death was 1:20 am on Thursday, March 25 2010. I should be feeling very good about this. He was much younger than me, we had very little in common, we fought a lot during the past two months, and our sex life had been nonexistant. I should be relieved it's over. But I'm not. The truth is, I'm sad. For all the problems we had, for all the times he annoyed me or pissed me off, he was still there. He still said he loved me. He still held on to me when we were sleeping, or held my hand when we were in the movie theatre. And now, he's not there and I'm sad.
I should be furious with him. I am. The breakup was not a good one. He told me he had met someone else and he wanted to see if the spark he felt when he was around this guy was going to develop into something. But he didn't want to breakup with me just yet. If it worked out to be something with this other guy, then he would break up with me. If it didn't work out, then we would just stay together. I was livid. That hurt like hell. I told him I would save him the trouble and let him go; so he could pursue this guy, or any other guy he wanted. Then I stormed out in my best As the World Turns huff. I know it's good that the relationship has ended. I know that. My logical mind tells me that. I know none of my friends liked him, that everyone thought he was immature and stupid and no one could understand why I was with him. I can't even explain why I was with him. Maybe it was the fact that he was there, available to me. It's not like I have a lot of choice offers. Whatever the reason I did love him. And now that it's over, I feel sad.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Theater, The Boyfriend, and sleep, part II

Good afternoon kittens! It's a lovely day here in Ohio and I must say the sunshine has done wonders for my mood. I've washed my bed linens and hung them on the line to dry, I currently have homemade bread rising in anticipation to be put in the oven and I'm blogging. Aren't we all lucky little kittens?
So, here is the promised second half of yesterday's post, dealing with "The Boyfriend".
So all has not been rosy in the love life of our favorite person; me. The Boyfriend has been a bit of a selfish prat lately. Our relationship has devolved into me supporting him emotionally and sometimes financially while I get absolutely nothing in return. Zero. Zip. Zilch. Nada. At first I let it slide, because he was having mommy and daddy issues and had just moved into a new apartment, but that period has long since passed. Now I'm annoyed beyond belief and am seriously considering the breakup talk.
Some examples of the things that have been going on; he doesn't have a washer or dryer in his apartment and there are no onsite facilities so he has to go to the laundry mat or his parents to do laundry. As he was telling me this he added that he didn't know how to use the machines at a laundry mat, so me, being the Martha that I am, said I would help. I took him to the laundry mat, after I had to stop and buy him detergent because he didn't have any, and I gave him a course in laundry 101. While I was showing him the ins and outs of the proper "Martha" method for doing laundry, he got mad at me because he felt I was talking down to him like he was an idiot. I was simply instructing him on how to use the facilities. He had one basket and we had spread his clothes out between four dryers so we could get done faster. When the first dryer stopped he started folding the clothes up and putting them in the basket straight from the dryer. I said that wasn't the best idea, why not empty the basket on the table, fold the clothes there, then load the clothes into the basket when all of them were dry and folded. At this he got mad at me because I was treating him like he was stupid.
We were out shopping for groceries and other things for his apartment one Saturday. As the day progressed he said he hoped I would be paying for some of the things he was getting since his mom had stated she thought I should be helping him with stuff. I dojn't live with him. I don't spend any time at his apartment so why the hell should I be buying his stuff for him?! WTF!!!!!!??????? I told him he was a big boy and he needed to pick up the tab for his own stuff for his apartment and that his mother was fucking crazy. This is coming from the same woman who helps herself to money from his checking account anytime she wants! It is truley a rather fucked up family.
We are not having sex. It's been three months and nothing. Anytime I try to start something, there is an excuse. "I have to work early in the morning" "I don't want my roommate to feel uncomfortable" "I had half a martini and now I have a headache" and so on and so on. I'm not asking for things outlandish, just once a week or so. Now, while we're not having sex, he's still fantasizing about having a three way. He brings this up on a regular basis. I'm offended by this. He doesn't want to sleep with me when it's just the two of us, but throw some random stranger in there and it's game on. He doesn't understand why this makes me so mad. I'm hurt by it and he doesn't get it. It's not like I haven't told him point blank how it makes me feel. He just doesn't get it.
When we talk, I'm an afterthought. He goes on and on about how rough his five hour shift at Wendy's was and how tired he is because he worked such a long day, then he's done. Conversation is over in his mind. Nevermind my day. Nevermind I may have had things I wanted to talk about. He's hungry, or he's tired, or he wants to take a shower so I say goodbye if we're on the phone and feel frustrated.
I don't want to be in a relationship like this. I don't need to be in a relationship like this. I was perfectly happy being single and would be perfectly happy again. I want to be with someone who likes to listen to what I jave to say sometimes, who's interested in what I do and wants me for me. Right now; I'm not getting that from The Boyfriend. I've tried telling him, I've tried screaming it to him, I don't know if anything can work.
So there you have it kittens. The whole sordid affair. Well not all of it. I did leave some of the more graphic bits out. But I have bread ready to come out of the oven so, TTFN!!!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Theater, The Boyfriend and sleep, part 1

Hello kittens! I do apologize for my absence from your life these past couple of weeks. I've been a bit drained from directing my first show and having some major issues with the boyfriend and basically have crashed in bed as much as I can.
"What's up with the boyfriend?" you ask. "You're directing a show?!" you say. "Do tell us all the scintillating details!" you demand. Okay, here goes.
Show first. I was called by my "friend" Kathy* to direct a show for Buckeye Youth Theater called "Maggie's Magic Teapot." I italicize the word friend because Kathy and I haven't been on the best of terms for quite some time and I should have listened to that little voice that kept telling me to say no. Instead, I let my desire and ambition guide me and I said yes. BIG. MISTAKE. HUGE. MASSIVE. RIDICULOUS. I should have known better. Being a first time director, I knew I would face some challenges I didn't plan on. I accepted that. What I didn't think about was having the artistic director of the theater company start coming to the last week of my rehearsals and try to take over. She was nowhere to be seen the first five weeks of rehearsal, then BOOM! she shows up and starts thinking she's the director. She started making changes to my blocking, telling my actors to do things differently, planning extra rehearsal's for my actors without my knowledge, she stopped rehearsal to implement her changes and tried to make the set in her image of it instead of mine.
Kathy fought me on the set design; mind you she had nothing to do with building it; she kept trying to add extra things that weren't necessary and added extra work for the set crew. Her crowning achievement though was telling me two days before opening that she didn't think the show was good enough and if the changes she wanted weren't implemented she would cancel the show. Bitch. Fucking Bitch.
Now let me tell you a bit about the space we are working with. It is in a large warehouse type building that has a large dance studio space, a smaller dance studio space, a green room and a back store room. The company rents the space from the building owners. Because of this rental situation when a show is being produced, you cannot build the set until tech week, you cannot brace anything because you are not allowed to secure anything to the walls or the floor, and you have to clean everything out between performance because someone else may want to rent the space. Stupid. For lighting, they use household flood lights set into coffee cans that have been painted black and use brown household extension cords for power. Lots of extension cords. So many that it's truly a fire hazard. Nothing is secured with safety cables, the lights are simply placed with hand clamps. Very dangerous. I don't understand how they haven't been shut down for a safety violation. Or had a fire. It's incredible.
So kittens, I did realize my dream of becoming a director, the show did go up, but the experience was far more stressful than it needed to be. Hopefully my next turn in the director's chair will go more smoothly. Since I won't be working with Kathy, it should be. Only time can tell. I do know that I'm very happy that I got to direct and can't wait for my next gig. So kittens, I'm off for now; I'll give you part two about the boyfriend issues tomorrow. TTFN!!

*Names have not been changed because I don't care to protect the innocent.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Good afternoon kittens! I want to introduce you to a new occasional feature called Recipe Roundup. In this feature, I'll share recipes that I have created or found that I love. So here we go!

Creamy Potato Soup
This hearty comforting soup is perfect on those cold winter days when the snow is piling up and the wind is howling outside. Serve this soup with a hunk of warm crusty french bread and you're set with a bowl licking meal.
3-4 pounds Yukon potatoes, peeled and sliced
5 carrots peeled and sliced
2 tablespoons powdered chicken soup base
1 can cream of chicken soup
1 can cream of celery soup
8 oz sour cream
1 pound bacon, chopped and fried crisp
1 medium onion chopped
1/3 block Velveeta cheese cubed or 2 cups sharp cheddar cheese grated

Using a 5 quart stock pot, fill 3/4 full with sliced potatoes. Add water just to cover potatoes and powdered chicken soup base and bring to a boil on high heat. Once boiling reduce heat to simmer and add sliced carrots.
While potatoes are cooking, fry bacon in large skillet until crispy. Remove bacon and reserve on paper towel lined plate. In rendered bacon fat, cook onion over medium low heat until soft.
Cook potatoes and carrots until water has reduced and broth is thick. Add cream of chicken soup, cream of celery soup and sour cream. Stir until soup returns to a simmer. Stir in bacon, cheese, onion and salt and pepper to taste. Once cheese is melted, ladle into wide serving bowls and use crusty french bread to clean the bowl.

I hope anyone who tries this enjoys and I would love to hear your comments and to see your favorite recipes. I'm always looking for new foods to try!

Friday, February 19, 2010

The Olympics

Hello kittens! I love the olympics. Both winter and summer. I love the downhill skiing and snowboarding and ice skating in the winter. I religiously follow the swimming and gymnastics in the summer. I'm not really sportastically inclined until the olympics come around, then I'm hooked for two weeks. One thing I don't love however, is the politics that come into play.
The games aren't about politics, they are about sportsmanship and showing that we can all get along and have fun with some friendly competition. Of course I want the United States to win gold medals, but that isn't the most important thing.
Now I want to say to Mr Pleshenko of Russia, GET OVER IT. You lost. Get over it. You didn't perform at the same level as Evan Lysacek and you lost. Stop being a sore loser. Nobody likes a sore loser. And you've upset my new boyfriend, Evan.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

"The White Death"

Happy Tuesday kittens. I'm writing to you from the snowy wasteland that is currently Ohio. We are smack in the middle of our second snowstorm in less than a week. This one is expected to pile ten to fifteen inches of snow on top of the sixteen that we received from the weekend storm. I LOVE IT!
Yes I know I'm crazy, don't care. I like snow. I have no problems driving in it and love to play in it. I've gotten to put my cross country skis to good use and I've had a blast making snowpeople. When I say snow people, think back to the Calvin and Hobbes comics. Remember the snow creations they would make? Decapitated snowmen, alien snow creatures, armies of small snowmen in formation; that's what I make. It's fun. And it gives my warped little mind a harmless outlet. I did take some great photos while I was out. I'll upload them soon. I'm thinking a few of them will get printed and framed for my bathroom redecorate too. Photos of that will come as soon as I'm done with it.
Have a wonderful Tuesday kittens, I'm off to the Walmarts for dog food before we're completely snowed in and I can't leave. TTFN!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Welcome! I know, pathetic way to start huh? If I were a bit more computer savvy I could have done a cool big bang graphic or something, but I'm not, so you get a welcome. This blog is over a year in the making. My best friend suggested it long ago as a way for me to put my opinions out there for the world to see, and I think she's just tired of listening to my shit. And I've got a lotta shit to say. Or bitch about. It depends on who you ask.
A little about me. I'm a fabulous gay man living a fabulous gay life. I'm very opinionated. And loud. And a bit obnoxious at times. And did I mention opinionated? I'm an ultra liberal Democrat. I love politics, theater, fashion, cooking, and arts. Those subjects will be the main topics of conversation on this blog. I'll share my views on politics with you, my adoring reader. I'll share my reviews of restaurants and new recipes that I find or create. I'll discuss theater performances I've seen or been involved with; both amatuer community theater and professional.
Fashion week is one of my favorite times of year, and I subscribe to most every fashion magazine on the planet so be on the lookout for reviews, gossip and pics.
This blog truely is designed to be an outlet for my thoughts and opinions, and a way for me to improve the world I live in! So, sit back, laugh, argue with me, agree with me, but most of all; keep an open mind.