Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Horror Film Help

Hello kittens!! Halloween is fast approaching and it is one of my holidays next to Christmas. So that said, I need some help if anyone out there in the blogger world can possibly help me. A couple of years ago I saw a movie on TCM that I loved!
It was a very old film, I would guess from the 30's or early 40's. The storyline was this couple who bought a manor house located on a cliff in England. After they bought the house they learned that the previous occupant had killed herself or died of grief after her child died. I think the kid fell off the cliff but I can't remember. Anyway, the spirit of the woman haunted the house until the new owners figured out what happened and set the spirit free. For the time it was made, the special effects were great, and the story really sold the movie. I really would like to see it again, but I don't know what it was called and haven't been able to find it anywhere online. Help anyone?

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