Monday, October 18, 2010


Hello kittens! How have you all been during this gorgeous week that we've had here in central Ohio? I've enjoyed the weather, warm days with nice cool nights perfect for a hot apple cider with rum and snuggling under a blanket with a good book.
Last Monday was also National Coming Out Day. I made a post on Facebook about my support for all the issues affecting the Gay community. Then came Tuesday. I'm sitting at work when I check my Blackberry and find I have a text form my mother. It reads;
" Just how am I supposed to react to your anouncement on your facebook? Well this is how I feel very disgusted and I do not like it I do not support it. You were not raised that way. You are making me sick just thinking about it. And if you continue to be that way then you will have to get you a place to live because I'm thinking of disowning you I can not believe you. It's shameful. I do not want to talk to you until you straighten up."
I replied, "What are you talking about?"
To which she replied, "About opening up and saying you are a gay man."
Me, "Seriously? Disown me? You're being ridiculous."
Her, " No I am not you need to get that shit out of your mind now why did you post it it is sickening."
So when I came back from work I honored her request and warmed up a can of soup for dinner and spent the rest of the night in my room so I wouldn't shame her. Since then she's been talking to me, but only to make passive aggressive remarks. She told me I did nothing except "cause her heartache" and she looks at me with this mixture of hatred, shame, and disapointment.
Quite frankly, it pisses me off. I don't expect her to be all supportive and don rainbow themed clothes and march in a parade but I would like just a little support. Or if that's too much, then simply nothing. No acknowledgement, no dirty looks, no passive aggressive comments, just nothing.  I can handle "nothing" better than being told I'm sickening and there is something wrong with me.  So I have another chapter in the story of my uneasy relationship with my family. It's never been a great one, they don't understand me, think I'm weird because I read books and attend live theater and I'm a Democrat and they find me very strange and just don't understand me. I've grown accustomed to fact that I'm never going to have the great family relationship you see in movies or on tv or even in other families. I'm never going to have June Cleaver( RIP Barbara Billingsley) for a mother, or even a nice accepting woman for a mother. I can't change who she is, I can't make her give up her bigotry or her hatred, no matter how hard I try. I just can't do it.

1 comment:

  1. OMG, I'm so sorry. I thought they had come to terms with everything, but apparently not. :( You are not "sickening" and just so you know, you have a great group of friends who love you just the way you are!
