Saturday, November 12, 2011

On giving thanks.

Good evening kitttens! With another holiday season going full steam ahead I've seen a few of those 30 day thankfull things on facebook. I don't really like those things that want you post a multiple number of things over multiple days. I forget. It's too much to worry about. I prefer the ease of a single blog post. So here goes.
After my whole ordeal at the start of this year, some things have changed for me. I consider it to be great day when I wake up, stretch, and am able to have my coffee with Matt Lauer and Anne Curry. I was very close to not doing that ever again.
I really don't sweat the small stuff. And it really is all small stuff. I was rather laid back before; now I'm pretty much kickin it in Margaritaville.
I absolutely hold to the line "live each day like it's the last". I have no idea when something might go wrong and I want to do as much as I can before that day comes. Fingers crossed that day is a long, long way off.
Of course I'm thankfull for the usual friends, family, all of my material things, my dogs, and my cat. That said, I hope you all enjoy the holidays, with it's stress, parties, endless string of cookies, pies, and candies, family dinners, and crowded shopping malls. Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Chrismakwanzicka to everyone.
P.S. I know I didn't spell Chrismakwanzicka right. Oh well.

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