Ten things about me.
1. I have eczema. Sometimes, like right now in this dreadful dry winter air, it's pretty severe. The itchy red flaky patches, extra heavy dandruff kind. I normally control it with prescription cream or hide it with makeup.
2. I really like Elvis.
3. I really like Eminem also.
4. There is a very large black woman named Shaniqua that lives inside of me. She likes cheesecake. A lot.
5. Shaniqua also likes to come out to yell at people.
6. I suffer from road rage. I TRY to control it, but it comes out more than I would like.
7. I enjoy being single.
8. I enjoy shopping and dining out alone occasionally.
9. I have never been to a Disney park.
10. I have never seen E.T. Or a single complete Star Wars movie. And I don't care if I ever do.
Now I want to here facts about you! Surprise me!