Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Disapointed. That is the word to describe what my president has done to me. This man that I love and look up to disapointed me tonight with his oval office speech on the oil spill in the Gulf. Instead of using the power of his office to put words to the anger that most of us feel over BP Oil's incompetence and disrespect to the people of the United States, the environment, and our planet. At 57 days of oil gushing into the Gulf of Mexico and BP Oil failing to control the situation, our President should have used the power; the symbolism of the oval office to push for BP to take responsibility, push for the passage of the American Power Act which is stalled in the Senate, pushed his energy agenda to secure a new future for the American people that grants us independence from oil. Instead of fire and brimstone that would rattle BP Oil execs with the fear of God, President Obama rattled on about fishermen praying before going out to fish. The President made a vague reference to the great leadership of President Roosevelt during World War II but chose not to follow the example of the former president by laying out a plan for the people, explaining what was happening. We don't care if people in charge have a nobel prize; what we want are results. After 57 days of BP not taking care of the situation, it's time for our government to do just that; govern. It's time for the current administration to take action, to order that anything and everything be done not only to stop the leak, but to clean the water, beaches, marshlands and animals that are now coated in oil. It's time for action and leadership from our leaders. Do something. Please.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

A new venture

Good evening kittens! I've been a busy little beaver this week with cleaning and redecorating projects designed to keep my unemployed butt busy and away from boredom. Yes, I'm still unemployed. Yes, it sucks. It sucks applying for jobs and never getting a call for an interview. It sucks living with my parents. My mother has the opinion that I simply don't want a job. In her mind, she has convinced herself that all I need to do is walk into a business, tell them I want a job, and poof! it will happen. I will be gainfully employed. I don't know why she believes this but she does. She has had the same job for the past 25 years. That's awesome. But that also means she hasn't been in the job market for a quarter century. She doesn't realize that the vast majority of job openings require the candidate to have at least a bachelors degree or there are a half dozen other people applying for the same job. She tells me I have to take anything, even if it's something I don't want to do. She conveniently ignores the fact that I can't even get a job offer. I'm not declining anything. I wouldn't. I hate not working. There are so many things I want to do but can't because I don't have the money. So I'm not just being lazy. I'm trying. It's just not a good job market. Ok, enough ranting.
     On to food. One of my favorite subjects by far. As many of you know, I consider myself a version of Martha Stewart; I love her and have learned a great deal from her tv shows and books and magazines. That being said, I have always wanted my own cooking show; a forum where I could impart the things I've learned in my life, things I've learned from my great grandma and my two granny's, to other people. So I thought, "Why not do a video series on the blog?" I could record myself in the kitchen, cooking and baking, kinda like Martha or Emeril. So to all my loyal readers, I need some help. Someone who has avideo camera and can edit and post videos on the blog for me. I can't pay money; yet; but I can promise you food.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Hello kittens! After a weekend filled with activities, I'm relaxing in bed with a great old movie; Summertime starring Katharine Hepburn. I've never seen it before and really don't understand why I've missed it. As anyone who knows me can attest to, I love, love, love Katharine Hepburn. I've idolized her for as long as I can remember. And this movie gives her a perfect opportunity to showcase her, charm, beauty, and supurb acting ability. Summertime is about a spinster woman(Hepburn) from Akron Ohio who has gone on vacation to Venice, Italy by herself with the hope of finding love along the way. Kate looks radiant as usual, with gorgeous outfits highlighting her athletic figure and impossibly slender waist. By the way, I would kill to have a waistline like Kate's. The scenery is just as delicious, with the movie being shot entirely on location in Venice. Looking at the buildings and canals and gondola's it makes me long to visit.